Friends of the Shannon Library Society

Current Great and Glorious President: Ailsa Johnson

Please call the library for the next meeting date.

Totally Free, Totally Fun, Totally...Cake?

The Friends of the Shannon Library Society meets quarterly to share ideas, provide support and direction for the best use of fund-raised dollars. We are a like-minded group of individuals gathering together to help make the library a community-centered organization, have fun, meet friends and eat cake...four times a year.

Friends of the Library was formed in 1997 to promote the library, to serve as a volunteer arm of the library and to assist with fund-raising activities. Historically, the Friends has organized book sales, hosted "Jewel Night," helped with open houses and summer programs for children. The 2003 cookbook project invited everyone in the community to share recipes and brief stories about family cooking or favourite books.  For several years , we assisted with both the Fall and Spring Antique and Collectable Sales by operating a kitchen and staffing the gate.

More recently, the Friends have purchased book bags, repainted the lavatories, upgraded the library computers, replaced the fax machine when it started spewing film,  added a gazillion (rough estimation, only) new books to the library collection, bought a colour copier, invested in RFID for the library collection, and bought some spiffy new furniture. 

In 2020, with funding from the Rotary Club of Grande Prairie, a fully equipped computer was purchased with microphone, camera ,and headset to allow for on-line meetings during Covid times.

In 2022, a Self-Checkout Station was be added to the library, courtesy of Friends of the Library

If you are interested in becoming a member, or would like some more information about us, please talk to library staff, email the library manager, or come to a meeting and have some cake.